
Showing posts from August, 2018

5 Step Guide To Tackle Medical Crisis

Dealing with a medical crisis that afflicts you or your spouse or a loved one is never easy. It doesn’t just leave a scar on your body, but leaves you drained emotionally and possibly even financially. Take a heart ailment for instance, treating which can be very expensive, in the region of Rs. 1.5 lakhs - Rs. 3 lakhs, depending on whether surgery is involved. Now where is a regular family going to mobilize funds of that magnitude in an emergency? So it helps to have a step-by-step guide to take you through the maze of questions and challenges following a medical crisis. Confirm the diagnosis Getting a confirmation of the diagnosis is the starting point of the treatment plan. Then go through the insurance coverage as also your ready finances (money in savings account, short-term fixed deposits, liquid funds) to calculate whether you have the funds to tackle the medical crisis. Insurance plan must have no surprises Make sure your health insurance plan (Mediclaim)